Found In Kensington exists to help every person have access to the treatment and help they need in the moment. So, we’ve made all of our data available via a free API to you, for use in your community and on your web properties.
All of the information stored in our website, every resource and event, is available to display on your website or web property. It is very basic
We will be creating some unbranded drag and drop solutions for you to use on your sites.
Here are some examples for you to use:
Code can be downloaded here: Please reach out if you need help implementing these or your own solution!
The API is a JSON REST api with only a few commands.
The base url is “”. This will give you a basic overview of the API, as well as a list of categories.
All API commands are GET requests, so params are built into the URL string, i.e.
/resource: Get resources
limit: Amount of entries to return - integer - default: 20
offset: Amount of entries to offset, useful for pagination - integer
cat: Category to retrieve - string (see list of categories for more information)
/resource/{id}: Get individual resource by ID
id: Entry ID added to url for resource - integer
/event: Get events
start: Start date to start events from - see date formatting section for how to use this - default: today
end: End date to end events - see date formatting section for how to use this - default: 6 months
/event/{id}: Get individual event by ID
id: Entry ID added to url for event - integer
We will periodically send updates on the event, and post event!